Lucky fifteen is a bet built from 4 selections. From the 4 selections, the punter creates fifteen bets of 4 singles, half-dozen doubles, 4 trebles as well as i fourfold. (Lucky 31 as well as Lucky 63 bets likewise exist). Lucky fifteen is classified equally a sum coverage bet because it includes all the possible combinations that tin laissez passer on notice hold upwards derived from the 4 selections. What you lot are doing inward a Lucky fifteen is to identify fifteen dissever bets that tin laissez passer on notice laissez passer on you lot massive turn a profit should all the 4 teams win or or then furnish should a few of them win.
Let us accept the representative of a weekend of football game inward which the 4 teams you lot are confident inward are Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea as well as Manchester United. Your Lucky fifteen volition guide maintain the next dissever bets each alongside a stake of rate Ksh 100.
1. Arsenal wins @ 1.30 x 100, gives Ksh 130
2. Chelsea wins @1.56 x 100, gives Ksh 156
3. Liverpool wins @1.48 x 100, gives Ksh 148
4. Manchester United wins @1.72 x 100, gives Ksh 172
1. Arsenal wins @ 1.30 x 100, gives Ksh 130
2. Chelsea wins @1.56 x 100, gives Ksh 156
3. Liverpool wins @1.48 x 100, gives Ksh 148
4. Manchester United wins @1.72 x 100, gives Ksh 172
5. Arsenal as well as Chelsea win, which is 1.30 x 1.56 x 100, gives Ksh 202.80
6. Arsenal as well as Liverpool win, which is 1.30 x 1.48 x 100, gives Ksh 192.40
7. Arsenal as well as Manchester United win, which is 1.30 x 1.72 x 100, gives Ksh 223.60
8. Chelsea as well as Liverpool win, which is 1.56 x 1.48 x 100, gives Ksh 230.90
9. Chelsea as well as Manchester United win, which is 1.56 x 1.72 x 100, gives Ksh 268.30
10. Liverpool as well as Manchester United win, which is 1.48 x 1.72 x 100, gives Ksh 254.60
11. Arsenal, Chelsea as well as Liverpool win,1.30 x 1.56 x 1.48 x 100, gives Ksh 300.10
12. Arsenal, Liverpool as well as Manchester United win, 1.30 x 1.48 x 1.72 x 100, gives Ksh 331.00
13. Arsenal, Chelsea as well as Manchester United win, 1.30 x 1.56 x 1.72 x 100, gives Ksh 348.80
14. Chelsea, Liverpool as well as Manchester United win, 1.56 x 1.48 x 1.72 x 100, gives Ksh 397.10
15. Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool as well as Manchester United win, 1.30 x 1.56 x 1.48 x 1.72 x 100, gives Ksh 516.20
The sum potential win on the Lucky fifteen bet is Ksh 3871.80, a turn a profit of Ksh 2371.80, should all the 4 teams win.
In a Lucky 15, you lot are precisely spreading your internet broad using 4 selections. The major appeal of Lucky fifteen is that you lot tin laissez passer on notice even then brand skillful furnish if or then of your selections fail. But earlier you lot endeavour a Lucky 15, brand certain to produce your homework good then you lot tin laissez passer on notice pick 4 teams that guide maintain high chances of winning. This way, you lot increase your potential furnish as well as may fifty-fifty brand a huge turn a profit should all the teams inward your bet win. Remember, a Lucky fifteen is a sum of fifteen bets derived from 4 selections. All combinations, from singles, doubles, as well as trebles to 4 plication are included. It is likewise of import to role a constant stake throughout then you lot tin laissez passer on notice ease the endangerment throughout your bet.

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